Friday, November 30, 2012


This has also been a very creative module:, glogster and prezi.  Wonderful tools for children (and teachers) of all ages to share and display their knowledge in creative and innovative ways. 

A glog is an online poster or web page. Glogs are online posters that enable the user to combine text, pictures, graphics, video and audio to creative an interactive online poster.    Glogster enables students to become knowledge creators!!!
I have just been experimenting with glogster and created a page about bagpiping - allowed me to see just how creative my students could be with regard to their own learning. As usual, I will have to work on this and focus on further applications.
Also had fun with Prezi - ideas are infinite! Created a page about the book "Wonder" in this National Year of Reading!  Like glogster - I found this to be a creative means for student sharing and learning. Just have to embed in in this module reflection!

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